
TRON and TRON: Legacy

Earliest memory of watching Tron: Eating string cheese and thinking it tasted like meat. -_-

Thankfully, I've become a little more "aware" of things since then, though hopefully with just as much--if indeed, not more-- imagination and appreciation for other imaginations. Therefore I still have this great wide world of "Trooooonnnnn" in my head and that it was so amazing in the first movie that I could look beyond what I now consider two dimensional and slow-moving graphics. It's not about the graphics!!! ... All the time.

I was amazed at all the glowing things... How did they get parts of their suits (which looks more like tattoos, they're so skin-tight) to look like light-sabers!? ^_^ Easily pleased, I try to hold on to that trait.

And then I heard about the new "Tro-oooo-oonn-nnn" movie. ^_^ And do you know what??? It's BLACK. And let me tell you, as impressed as I was with the glowing suits from the first movie... Black is SUPREMELY more flattering. :D

I loved everything about the sequel excepting it's length. I could have gone longer. :) That's me.
Also, they scored MAJOR points with me when (I'm not really spoiling anything here, don't worry) Sam walks into the arcade, turns everything on, and the juke-box CRANKS Journey!!! ^_^ Loved it, loved it, loved it.

Tron is my all time favorite character, next to his user, Alan-1. ;)

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