
Allow me to introduce myself...

So here I am,
this is the first of the beginnings. The end of my "non-blog days..." Alas, but what happy and simple times those were. No longer! Well, hopefully I shall still be happy, it is one of my most favorite things to be.
My name is Codi, I'm a senior in high school (will graduate around June, huzzah!) and have been home-schooled all my life. I'm a photographer, an artist, and an author. And through all those means I shall contribute to this blog. Beginning with photography! The photo to the right was taken by me in Mississippi in the spring of 2009.
So... ... ... What's this blog going to be about? Well, as you've seen, I have many interests. And we shall explore different facets of those interest together. Many questions will be posed, hopefully many answers as well. What kind of cameras do you prefer? Are you more of a traditional artist, or digital? What's your favorite movie? Where would you go, if you could travel anywhere? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop? (I actually prefer Blow-Pops... but eh, it matters little)

- I am known to go through phases with movies/actors I like, so there will be many pictures and a few reviews and opinions (which is really all a review is) about the likes of that.
- I have begun to teach myself French (without a concrete curriculum, wish me luck!) and enjoy it very much! I possess a friend or two that think my accent is très bien [very good]! So there will likely be blips of what I have learned scattered throughout my paragraphs.
- I write fiction all the live long day! (Or wish that I could) A fair amount of fan-fiction for movies and books that I think could have played out a different way. I may deposit links to those stories here if you have an interest in reading those. I also have vignettes and short stories that are original works which I shall share. Along with an original novel that I'm fleshing out, but that, my dears, shall not be open to the world's eyes for a long ways yet.
- Drawing and painting being a talent of mine, I will post drawings, doodles, and comics that you may find amusing or of interest.
- I adore reading classic fiction! I have far and away too many books I desire to have memorized, but I'm working on that list as we speak. Fiction, ah sweet fiction, how I love thee. Well, biographies and historical books are wonderful too, I just don't get to those quite as much. :)

I hope my writings don't bore you, and at the very least I hope they amuse you. Have a very wonderful beginning to your week. Bonne nuit [good night]...

- Codi Lyn -

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