
Artist: Catherine Karina Chmiel-Guglska

This is yet another of my absolute favorite artists. I found her, of course, through my love of Tolkien, and we share the same favored characters of both Boromir (Lord of the Rings) and the sons of Feanor (Silmarillion). ^_^
Catherine is a Polish illustrator whose works I have fallen in love with and am constantly thrilled and inspired by. Her ink pieces are particularly wonderful (especially since it remains a mystery to me, as to how to use ink... I've yet to claim the tools to try it) with its boldness. One day I shall have to attempt it, I'm sure.
The strength of her characters is really beautiful, their strong features and deep emotions that really show through the eyes and expressions. *sigh* Her works are what want me to be an illustrator (or at the least have that style to my personal drawings... all I illustrate is my own novel -_- ).

- Codi Lyn -

Medium: the unsung drawing hero... Ball Point Pen

Who hasn't doodled something with a handy ball-point pen?

Anytime I have a slip of paper or napkin and I feel like drawing, there's a ball-point pen in someone's purse, on the counter, anywhere. They're accessible, and they're awesome! The more common, bought in large quantities, kind of pens are really the best, too.

I've drawn dozens of pictures with just a ball-point pen and no sketching. You can make a hundred different textures with them, neat scribbles, nice hatching. ^_^ They're uber-fun and easy to find.