
Show: Avatar- The Last Airbender

This has always been a great one, but lately Avatar has been my favorite thing to watch on TV. It's an anime cartoon about a boy, Aang, who has to master the bending of all four elements to save the world (in a nutshell).
It's well drawn, not too Japanese, fairly realistic, there are times when they get "chibi" expressions. It has a great plot, something epic, depth of characters, and at points it's just laugh out loud funny (I've caught myself laughing far too loud at certain punchlines or expressions, and I'll be the only one in the room. ^_^)
My favorite character is Zuko, a fire-nation (enemy) prince with an ominous scar covering his left eye and side of the face. For a long time he is hunting the Avatar (Aang) and is a very angry, conflicted young man. And then as things go on, he has a good influence in his Uncle and he helps Aang learn to fire-bend, becoming the new fire-lord by the end of the season and he's a good guy. *yay*
There are a few seasons, and I haven't seen the whole thing through, but as I catch them on TV I love every one of them and can't wait to know the whole story.
Also, M. Night Shyamalan is making a movie (live action) of Avatar that looks pretty cool, but I am really biased towards liking the cartoon best. Obviously, you're entitled to your own opinion. I'll be watching it, but I'll be trying to watch all of my show as well. :D

- Codi Lyn -


- - - Mother's Day - - -

Hope everyone had a terrific day with their moms, or at least in their honor, today! I made my Mom a funny Jane Austen cartoon card, which she loved. My Dad made her crepes (spinach/cream cheese and strawberry/cream cheese), bought her flowers and two music cd's. And my brother sang one of her favorite Christian songs, signed the card I made for her :P , and bought her chocolate truffles.
Last night we played dominoes until we had eaten too much carrot cake and drunk too much sweet tea, and had a great time in lieu of the fact my brother would be gone from 9 to 5 today at work. After a wonderful breakfast this morning, my Mom and I went outside on the deck and watched/took pictures of all our beautiful birds at the feeders. Gold finches, Cardinals, Red-breasted Grosbeaks, Roufus-sighted Towees, Purple finches, Chickadees, Doves, Sparrows... all so lovely, and my Mom really loves to watch them and listen to them. And the cherry on top of her sundae this morning was that we got to see our first Baltimore Oriole that we've been setting oranges out and waiting for since spring began. ^_^ It was joyous.
And then we did my Mom's favorite thing for the rest of the day... Yard work.
Happy Mother's Day!

- Codi Lyn -


Actor: Yul Brynner

I should always begin sentences having anything to do with "The 10 Command-ments," "The King and I," or "The Magnificent Seven" with, "How cool is Yul Brynner?!"
I mean, I've grown up watching said films and becoming enthralled with his characters simply can't be helped when you're an epic-loving five year old like I was. ^_^ He is the significant reason why I respect and appreciate those men who choose to shave their heads.
I didn't really know anything about the man, himself, (except for his name, which became imminently important to know only after I watched "The 10 Commandments" at that age where you finally realize there are *actors* playing these characters, who aren't *really* those characters in everyday life) until I looked up his profile on IMDB.com, which I recommend doing. My Mom and I had the longest guessing game while watching "The King and I" about what nationality he was, since he is *clearly* not some regular American (I try not to be biased against my own "race", but it's hard). Apparently, he's Russian --with some Swiss-- and enjoyed lying outright about his heritage to those he considered gullible! He would say he was part Swiss, part Japanese! O_o And I would have fallen for it, had he told me that in person. *sigh* Innocence can be such a curse... ha ha... Not really.
And the best part of it all? ... We have the same birth-date! He was born on July 11th, and so was I. *Huzzah* for trivial facts that make my day.

- Codi Lyn -